Monday, January 16, 2012


Aamvada-channadhal: I feel great to take participate in Blogging Marathon event hosted by Srivalli on Spicing up your life. Blogging Marathon is an event which is celebrated last two weeks in a month which comes up with some group events. Instead of just blogging it’s an important rule to pass comments in the group on other posts. So Srivalli had made a group in google called as blogging marathon. In this way the communication develops...


Chocolate - Cashew & Raisins: Choc-Cashew&Raisins Right from my childhood days I love to eat chocolates. Same goes with my elder son, Aditya. On Friday, I browsed thro’ the net and found chocolate recipe by Nikko Kitchen in youtube. I was surprised to see that it was that easy to make chocolate. There is a saying which goes like this “Till we learn things are very difficult, once you learn it’s a child’s work”, it’s true....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A dog's WillPower

I smiled after looking at the first will also smile. Just scroll down and you will get to know the story of Will Power. Here it goes.... You thought the dog is imitating the man..... Entertaining the college kids...right? Now have a close look at it.... So..... Got the message??? Despite being an animal he gets respect...  He gets warm welcome everywhere..... He...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hema's Blog: TomatoChappati

Hema's Blog: TomatoChappati


Dear All, Welcome to the blogging world. Its a great pleasure to say that I am participating in "Blog Hop Wednesday" started by Radhika on Tickling Palatea. This is the second version of Blog Hop Wednesday which happens monthly once on every 2nd week of Wednesday. Earlier version used to happen once in 15 days in last year.  Concept: In this version, every month one would be partnered with other fellow blogger and she/he can cook any...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Celebration Time: Anniversary Giveaway Two of my special events viz., Wedding Anniversary on Feb 14th and Blog Anniversary on Feb 23rd are in February.  To make it special, I am presenting a giveaway - Embroidery Pillow Cover. To win this award my dear blog readers, present your Vegetarian Curry which can range from Sambar to a gravy and much more. Anything which can be cooked in Indian Kitchen. Rules: Please do send me...

Friday, December 30, 2011


Thanks to all of my blog readers and HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2012 to all. I am pleased to announce the roundup of my event Christmas_NewYear2011_Event which obtained 22 eggless cake entries. Out of which 1 link was broken, 2 were duplicate entry. Thanks to all the participants who made this one success better than the first event. Winner is Eggless-Rainbow-Zebra-Cake prepared and submitted by Archana Toshniwal from Archana's Kitchen.  Thanks...

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Thanks to 2011 which gave me an opportunity to become an active blogger. Following are few things which I wanted to share in my post - glance of 2011. I was an infant in kitchen I am a child now in kitchen Top 5 recipes of the year - 2011 Gun Powder (Sweet) Unde Copra Pak Badam Dates Balls Fruit Salad Oats Kollu Sundal Best dish of the month Sep-11 – Sweet Pova Oct-11 – Diwali_Sweet_Savory Nov-11- Ullavalu_Rasam Dec-11 –...