Monday, January 16, 2012



I feel great to take participate in Blogging Marathon event hosted by Srivalli on Spicing up your life.

Blogging Marathon is an event which is celebrated last two weeks in a month which comes up with some group events. Instead of just blogging it’s an important rule to pass comments in the group on other posts. So Srivalli had made a group in google called as blogging marathon. In this way the communication develops not only between food bloggers but also in the house to find the different recipes related to the group selected. To prepare a dish there might be more than one variety of making it for example check out my versions (1st - gojju mix with rice, 2nd - without gojju) of tomato rice.

I have selected the concept of Seven Days of Delicious Dals. Today is my 1st day, I am posting “aamvada” a vada made from Channa Dal. In my family all of us love to eat vadas, and this is one of them.

Channa Dal – 100 gms
Baking soda – 1 tsp
Coriander leaves – few
Green Chillies (small sized which will be more spicy) – 3 to 4
Salt – to taste
Oil for deep frying

Soak channa dal atleast for 3 hours
Remove the water and grind it along with baking soda, green chillies with little water as the consistency should be thick
Add salt and coriander leaves and mix well
Leave the oil to become hot
Make small dough from the hand and make it like a plate drop it in hot oil
Leave it to fry until the color becomes reddish brown
Turn to the other side and leave it to fry
Remove it from the Stove and put it on to vessel which has pores (a vessel which removes extra oil)
Serve it hot with chutney

Submitting to:

MLLA - 43
MLLA series is a monthly blog hop started by Susan @ The Well Seasoned Cook. Claire is hosting this month - Jan 2012 MLLA, the legume is "Dal" hence submitting this to her post which is a 43rd blog hop.

Walk through the memory lane
Walk through the memory lane by Gayathri @ Gayathri's Cook Spot is an event which says to learn and prepare from our elders. I learnt this from my mother-in-law and for festivals this is a must in my house.


Sweet Heat Chilli Challenge is started by Lyndsey on Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops. This month is a 4th edition hosted by Michelle on Food, Football and a baby.


Chocolate - Cashew & Raisins:


Right from my childhood days I love to eat chocolates. Same goes with my elder son, Aditya. On Friday, I browsed thro’ the net and found chocolate recipe by Nikko Kitchen in youtube. I was surprised to see that it was that easy to make chocolate. There is a saying which goes like this “Till we learn things are very difficult, once you learn it’s a child’s work”, it’s true. Once you know and work on it, you would develop a like towards making things that might be cooking or testing software.

Nowadays children get stuck to Television so much, Oh my god, save my little Aditya, who is 8 years old. To keep this guy busy I should find out a way either painting, helping me in kitchen, cycling. In cycling, he is great and even at 8pm he takes his cycle and goes around like a college guy, but to avoid this on Saturday I planned to prepare chocolate along with him. 

  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • 3 tbsp icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • Butter – 50g
  • Pinch of salt


Melt butter and switch off the stove

Add cocoa, icing sugar, milk powder, a pinch of salt to melted butter

Stir the mixture check the consistency it should neither be too thin or too thick
Put a butter sheet on a tray and pour the mixture

Garnish with Cashewnuts and Raisins (this was done by Aditya)

Keep it in deep-freezer for an hour
Turn the chocolate to other side and leave it for one more hour
Transfer the contents into air tight container

Note: You can add more icing sugar to make sweeter.

Submitting to:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hema's Blog: TomatoChappati

Hema's Blog: TomatoChappati


Dear All,

Welcome to the blogging world. Its a great pleasure to say that I am participating in "Blog Hop Wednesday" started by Radhika on Tickling Palatea.

This is the second version of Blog Hop Wednesday which happens monthly once on every 2nd week of Wednesday. Earlier version used to happen once in 15 days in last year. 

Concept: In this version, every month one would be partnered with other fellow blogger and she/he can cook any number from her partner blog. On 2nd Wednesday you have to link it with partner's blog as source/courtesy and link it with Tickling Palatea

a. If one blog hop is missed also, you are not entitled to get into the other blog hop. Reason: Your partner for that month will definitely feel bad as her dish from her site did not get displayed.
b. You cannot enter in between as partners are already made for that month. But if registered then you are allowed from the following month. Click here to register.

I was partnered with Nayna Kanbar, a citizen of London who writes her posts in her own blog - She submits her post to  City.Connect, she says " is a featured recipe author @ City Connect an online magazine which promotes everything from businesses to events, connecting people to each other in the local area and beyond."

Fafda - Chora Fari
I thank Radhika and Nayna to gave me a wonderful chance to provide an option and to partner with me respectively on this Blog Hop.

It was really tough to select one dish from her blog as it had many varieties of dishes. I had selected Fafda - a crispy snack as my partner dish and linked it here. It is also called as "chora fari", Indian tea time snack.

Fafda - B & W
  • Maida - All purpose flour - 200g
  • Besan - 50g
  • 1 tablespoon chilli powder
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon groundnut oil (Dhara)
  • 3 green chillies finely chopped
  • 1/2 tablespoon freshly chopped coriander
  • Water for making dough
  • Groundnut oil for deep frying
Never do this: As in my house Maida and Besan is stored in refrigerator they were cold and to get to normal temperature I made a mistake of adding little rice flour which made my fafdas to become hard. 

  • Put Maida, besan, chilli powder, turmeric powder, sesame seeds, chopped green chillies, salt, chopped coriander, oil and by adding water as required kindly make a dough.
  • Leave the dough for sometime to get settled down.
  • Make small doughs and roll them using rolling pin and cut them into desired shapes.
  • Fry them in hot oil and put them into vessel which drains oil. Vessel would have small pores.
  • Serve it hot with tomato ketchup or chilli sauce.
I had made into my desired shapes same like bajjis just because my son would love to eat thinking it is same. Great this idea worked out, he had 10 with tomato ketchup.

Aditya's activity: He came and prepared fafdas as rolls and round.
Do: Store these into air tight container to use them upto a month.  I made these yesterday(10thJan2012) and unfortunately I did not do that and lost the crispy-ness the today (11thJan2012).

Submitting this to:
Blog Hop Wednesday @ Tickling Palatea

 Black & White by Susan @ The Well-Seasoned Cook.
 Susan started this event as a weekly event and the important concept is your picture which is shared with this event should be in B & W. For more info please read her blog.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Celebration Time:
Anniversary Giveaway

Two of my special events viz., Wedding Anniversary on Feb 14th and Blog Anniversary on Feb 23rd are in February. 

To make it special, I am presenting a giveaway - Embroidery Pillow Cover.

To win this award my dear blog readers, present your Vegetarian Curry which can range from Sambar to a gravy and much more. Anything which can be cooked in Indian Kitchen.

  • Please do send me any number of entries to the event.
  • For a successful entry to the contest, each entry must include logo and it must be linked to this page. Simply linked widget can be used to link.
  • Non bloggers can also send me their recipe along with its photo and a subject line "MurariAnniversaryGiveaway-2012 at Hema's Blog" to my email hemasrini(dot)2007@gmail(dot)com. It should be in the format Your name, Your Recipe Name and Picture of the recipe.
  • No archived items in my contest please.
  • Duration for my event is from 5th January 2012 to 29th February 2012. Winner would be announced on 1st March 2012.
  • Link to this event page and usage of logo is a must as it spreads a word. 
  • Like towards my page in facebook and follow through friendconnect is a must to keep in touch with all of you.
Winner, kindly acknowledge within a week with complete postal address to deliver your prize. After a week, it would go to other participant.

I request all my blog readers to make this event success.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Thanks to all of my blog readers and HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2012 to all.

I am pleased to announce the roundup of my event Christmas_NewYear2011_Event which obtained 22 eggless cake entries. Out of which 1 link was broken, 2 were duplicate entry. Thanks to all the participants who made this one success better than the first event.

Winner is Eggless-Rainbow-Zebra-Cake prepared and submitted by Archana Toshniwal from Archana's Kitchen.

 Thanks to all other entries from:
a. Tickling Palatea
f. Karus Delicacies - Unfortunately this entry link has been broken.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Thanks to 2011 which gave me an opportunity to become an active blogger. Following are few things which I wanted to share in my post - glance of 2011.

I was an infant in kitchen

I am a child now in kitchen

  1. Top 5 recipes of the year - 2011

  1. Best dish of the month
Sep-11 – Sweet Pova

  1. Best recipe prepared from other blogs

  1. Best Meal of the year

  1. New things discovered in the year
Preparation of Instant Sweets

  1. Best post or picture of the year
Christmas New Year Eve – 2011: This is the best post as my traffic got increased. I learnt how to make cake.

Best Picture: Adi – The Chef, as above.

  1. Past and Present Blogroll
In 2009 I started blogging inspired by Sara’s Corner and Dil Se blogs. But I became active only in blogging from September 2011. I had subscribed for the list of blogs in 2009 but frankly half of the mails I couldn’t make myself to check it out. I deleted certain mails today after making a list of them which I subscribed.

Previous year(s) Subscriptions:

Following since 2011:

  1. Cooking resolutions for the Year 2012
Participate in weekly, biweekly and monthly events
Every 2 to 3 months plan for an event or a giveaway
Remember the blogs followed every month
Give atleast one label in the post which indicates a month name uniquely
Attend Bangalore Bloggers Meet as and when possible

  1. Blog Promotions

Blog Loving
Very Good Recipes
Cook Eat Share
Networked Blogs
Friends/Followers Google friend connect
Blog Catalog
Great Cooks
Blogs Top 100 Add
Indian Cooking Challenge
Add Me
Blog Nation
Indi Blogger
Food buzz
Food blogs
Blogging Women

  1.  Blogs which give information on Events & Roundups.

Submitting this post to Best of Year 2011 in Cooking 4 all seasons.